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Our Corona-Veers


The 2019–2020 coronavirus pandemic is upending life on a global level as we know it. The highly infectious coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Clearly, the coronavirus outbreak situation cannot be taken lightly. While on one hand people across India and around the globe are largely confined to their homes with businesses and educational institutions all shut down in an attempt to contain the virus, and on the other hand doctors, healthcare workers, and medical staff members are leading the battle against COVID-19 from the front. Putting their own lives at risk with selfless determination for the sake of saving lives, they truly are our heroes in these challenging times.


While the doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers are putting their own health, families, and most importantly their own lives at risk, the least we can do is appreciate their efforts. Below are our Corona-veers who put their lives at stake to save others. 


Dr Jay Patel
Resident, Department of Medicine

Dr Jay Patel, youngest of three sisters and one brother, comes from Bhuj, one of the well-known town in the Kutch region, Gujarat. Jay has been a meritorious and very hard-working student throughout his career. In Nims Superspecialty Hospital, he worked day in and day out, selflessly to treat the Corona positive patients. He was awarded Nims Corona-veer award by the Hon'able Chairman and Chancellor for his excellent services. Hats off Jay! Keep it up


Dr Manu Yadav
Resident, Department of Medicine

Dr Manu Yadav, a star cricketer, is from Bhivadi, Haryana. He is a graduate form Nims Medical College and has joined his PG here. He is one of the most dedicated and hardworking third year PG Residents. Due to his diligence and proactiveness he was assigned the challenging task of handling and treating the Covid patients. By working hot and humid salt as sweltary climate, wearing the suffocating PPE kit, with the utmost devotion, empathy, almost religiously, he set an example that gives goose bumps to all of us. He was awarded Nims Corona-veer award by the Hon'able Chairman and Chancellor for his excellent services. Hats off Jay! Keep it up

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Mr Deepak Gupta
Nursing Superintendent 

Dr Deepak Gupta, our Nursing Superintendent is one of the finest human beings you might have came across. His heart is full of empathy and compassion and he always keeps patients first. Deepak is also very dedicated towards teaching and training and responsibly runs all nursing teaching and training program. During the challenging time of Covid-19, Deepak has come forward to serve the Covid patients when most of us were afraid to even think of meeting them. Whith his team, dining the PPE kit in the hot and uncomfortable conditions, he worked to save poor people's lives. To the heights of his devotion, he himself got Corona infections and stayed on ventilator for almost a month and barely survived. We salute these true soldiers of humanity. He has rightfully been awarded Nims Corona-veer award by the Hon'able Chairman and Chancellor for his excellent services.

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