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"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela

UG, PG and Super-speciality Courses

Nims Super-specialty Hospital is a part of NIMS Medical College (National Institute of Medical Sciences). Being one of the oldest and the most renowned Medical College in the country, we have a strong tradition of imparting quality education for over two decades. We have 150 MBBS seats where students are taught, both basic medical sciences as well as the clinical nuances to become the best medical professionals. Nims has MD/MS/PG in all branches including General Surgery, OBG, Paediatrics, Medicine, ENT, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Anesthesia, Psychiatry, Trauma & Orthopedics, etc and DM/MCh in all Super-specialty branches including Cardiology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Gastroenterology, Urology, etc. We also have MD/MS in all paraclinical and non-clinical branches including Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, PSM, Pathology, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, etc.


Apart from them, Nims also has Nims Institute of Dental Sciences, Institue of Paramedical Sciences and Institute of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, which run highly reputed courses in Paramedical and Physiotherapy Sciences, Nims Nursing College, and Nims Institute of Pharmacy.  All paramedical, Dental and Nursing Colleges provide state of the art education & training with a high level of placements. The students receive supervised hands-on training in the Nims Medical College & Super-specialty Hospital to gain the required knowledge and skills in their fields. 

Multidisciplinary Meetings

The MDT approach is recognised as the most effective way to reach balanced recommendations. What is reassuring about multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings is that they bring together the experience of many medical professionals from various disciplines, including haematologists, clinical oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, clinical nurse specialists, occupational therapists and other members of the MDT team. The cumulative inputs from all experts lead to the best care for the patients. 


At Nims, we firmly believe in the Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary approaches for providing the best possible care to our patients. A Multidisciplinary Team Meeting is held every week between the professionals from relevant clinical disciplines who together make decisions regarding recommended treatment of individual patients. Multidisciplinary Teams specialise in different conditions, such as Cancer, Urogynecology, Breast, Hemato-oncology, Neuroradiology, etc. The primary objective of MDT meetings is to formulate and agree on Gold Standard treatment plans for the patients. There are also other functions that are important too but they remain secondary. The MDT reviews investigations and other clinical information for each patient at dedicated meetings to find the best way to discuss an individual care plan for each patient discussed. The MDT then recommends the most appropriate treatment for each patient, based on the best evidence available. All MDT discussions result in a documented treatment plan for each patient discussed in the MDT Meeting. 

Tumor Board

Nims Super-specialty Hospital provides complete cancer care equipped with the most modern and sophisticated equipment and the best Oncologists/ Oncosurgeons. As per the international protocols, we have constituted a Tumor Board consisting of top Oncologists, Oncosurgeons, Radiation Oncologists, Plastic Surgeons, Gynaecologists, Histopathologists, General Surgeon, MaxFacs Surgeons, General Physicians, Psychiatrists & Psycologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Cancer Specialist Nurses. The tumour board meets regularly at the hospital to discuss cancer cases and share knowledge. The board's goal is to determine the best possible cancer treatment and care plan for an individual patient. Tumour Board adapts a Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) approach by conducting regular meetings where different specialists work together closely sharing clinical decisions in cancer care. 

CMEs (Continous Medical Education) & CPDs (Continous Professional Development)

At Nims Super-specialty Hospital, we believe in lifelong learning and professional development. To achieve that each department regularly organizes its relevant CMEs (Continous Medical Education) & CPDs (Continous Professional Development) activities. These CMEs (Continous Medical Education) & CPDs (Continous Professional Development) are quite popular across whole Rajasthan and in fact all over India and overseas and professionals from all over places come to attend them regularly. 

Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies by MCI/NMC

Nims Medical College conducted its Revised Basic Course workshop (RBCW) in Medical Education Technologies in 2021, a 3-day program under the aegis of our National Institute of Medical Sciences, Jaipur. MCI Observers came to observe the workshop. A total of 30 participants from HIMSR attended this workshop as per schedule. This three-day academic program kicked off with an interesting and interactive session on Ice breaking & Group dynamics facilitated by Prof UC Gupta, MEU Coordinator, NIMS. This was followed by a very informative session on CBME by Prof. Chaman Verma. Inaugural function was conducted at the end of the day one session. The occasion was graced by Prof. Chaman Verma, Dean NIMS who welcomed the MCI observer and stressed the importance of CME (continuing medical education) and briefed the participants bout MEU activities.

Journal Clubs

Nims Super-specialty Hospital conducts a number of academic activities on an ongoing basis. Journal Club is one of them and takes place weekly in each department on the pre-rescheduled day/ time as an educational meeting where the residents and faculty critically discuss highly indexed published articles. The critical evaluation of recent articles in the academic literature, such as the scientific literature, medical literature, is performed. Journal clubs are organized by the relevant departments around a pre-defined topic as per the roster and are aimed at keeping the doctors abreast of new knowledge, promoting the awareness of current research findings, teaching them to critique and appraise research, and encouraging them to utilize research in evidence-based manner. Every session ends with distribution of hanouts that contains the extrects from the research articles discussed as well as space to solicit feedback on the session. 

Departmental Seminars

All departments regularly run their respective interdepartmental seminars every week or twice a week. The roster for the person who will be presenting as well as the topic for the presentation is published every month by the Head of the Department and is suprvidsed by the Academic Committee for quality and compliance. The topics include form theory to practical application of the clinical knowledge. This mostly include teaching on real patients, with their consent. 

Grand Rounds

The concept of Medical Grand Rounds is old and has been borrowed form the USA where medical students of NIMS, both UG/PG and their consultants gather and students present their cases one by one. The patients are usually present during the meeting and the presenter may elicit the clinical signs on them. Patients also answer the questions from the audience and in this way a diagnosis is established in a step by step manner. Lots of time the real patients may be replaced by actors. As against the interdepartmental seminars, the grand rounds are truly interdepartmental in nature where various related departments and subspecialties gather and participate in the discussion to throw light on the case from their expert point of view. The frequency of Grand Riunds is weekly to fortnightly, and varies form department to department. Grand rounds help our doctors and other healthcare professionals like PT/OT, to keep up to date in the new and evolving fields which may be outside of their core practice.

Lots of time, if patients consent, there may be video recording of the proceedings of Grand Rounds. These recordings serve as invaluable resource for teaching and learning and can be downloaded form our website, time to time. 

Mortality & Morbidity Meetings

Conducted once a month and attended by all consultants, residents and administrative staff. The concept is to analyse the cases where the mortality or morbidity has been encountered and to discuss the different causes why its happened. The cases are presented by a junior member of the team who was involved in the care of the patient and rest of the team members are present there to defend the case. Relevant questions are being asked by the panel as well as by the audience. The whole process is kept anonymous with respect to the patient's identity as well the details of the person who was directly responsible for the care of the patient. The case note of the patient are seen simultaneously by the panel for any inconsietnies or any other relevant details. In case any gross issues are identified, an RCA (Root Cause Analysis) Enquiry is ordered by the panel. 

People are encouraged to follow the Gold Standard treatment/ Clinical Care Pathways and any deviations, if spotted, are anlysed. This is a very consturctive and educative process where everybody benefits by analysing the errors or potential errors of their own or of their peers.

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